Was This Your AC Unit’s Last Summer?

Cooler temperatures have been providing our area with a welcome break from the heat. Our air conditioners have finally been allowed to take a break and cracking a window in many cases is enough to keep your home comfortable. But before you turn your mind fully towards the idea of preparing for cooler weather, we want to draw your attention back to your air conditioner.

Specifically, we want to ask you how well your system performed this last cooling season. If you can easily say that your AC did a great job and encountered no issues, that’s great! If, on the other hand, you struggled to stay comfortable throughout summer despite your system being well-cared for, it may mean you need to consider an air conditioner replacement in Havertown sooner than later.

5 Signs Your Air Conditioner Has Seen Its Last Summer

If you need a new AC system, no amount of repairs will help the situation. It is better to get started with a replacement ASAP rather than waiting it out and seeing if you can somehow squeeze another few months out of your system. After all, knocking it out now will enjoy better peace of mind next summer.

Here are the warning signs that you need to schedule an AC replacement for your system:

  1. Your AC is getting too old. At a minimum, your air conditioner will last about 10 years; at the maximum, a well-maintained one will last up to 15 years. If your system is between 12 and 15 years old it is likely that you are due for a replacement in the near future.
  2. You can’t keep your home cool. An air conditioner that can’t cool your home effectively anymore, despite best practices and regular service, is one that needs to be retired. Otherwise, you just have an overly expensive fan in your home.
  3. Energy bills are too high. Have you noticed that no matter how little you ran your AC unit this last summer, your energy bills reflected that you were freezing the house? If this sounds familiar, it is because your system is using extra energy trying to do its job.
  4. Repairs are frequent and pricey. Repairs for your AC aren’t unavoidable. However, they shouldn’t be frequent. If you are calling for repairs on a yearly basis, or the repairs you’ve been getting are far too expensive, it means your system needs to be repaired.
  5. Your AC is acting as a heater. If your system not only isn’t cooling your home but is instead blowing hot air, this is definitely a sign that your air conditioner needs to be replaced.

Getting your old AC replaced with a new unit is no small task and it certainly isn’t one you want to leave in the hands of an amateur. Trust the professionals with your home comfort by contacting our team.

The team at Walsh Brothers Plumbing and Mechanical Services, Inc. is proud to keep serving Delaware County, Main Line, and the Philadelphia Area. Contact us to schedule your next AC service. We are Fast-Friendly-Reliable.

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