How To Determine Whether You Need a New Furnace Or Not

The holidays are done with and you may be in recovery mode. Having social gatherings each week is exhausting! We get why you might need some extra downtime.

However, we want to let you know that your furnace may need some rest as well. In fact, this holiday season may have taken more out of your heater than you think.

Extra hours of work plus older age can be taking their toll on your furnace leading to the need for a furnace repair in Malvern, PA or a furnace replacement. Since it is the new year, we want to focus on figuring out if the time has come to upgrade your home with a new heating system.

Is it Time to Get a New Furnace?

Furnace repairs can fix a wide variety of issues and keep your system running for many years. However, this won’t keep it running forever. Eventually, your furnace will need to be replaced. Here are the biggest indicators that your system is due for an upgrade:

  • Old age. If you aren’t sure how old your furnace is, now is a good time to find out. This is because age can be a big indicator of when your furnace needs to be replaced. A furnace that is between 10-15 years old is due for an upgrade sooner than later. This range can vary based on how regularly you’ve gotten maintenance, how much the system is used, and more factors.
  • Repair frequency. Repairs are going to pop up over the years but they shouldn’t be something you encounter on a regular basis. If you have started to encounter the need for repairs each year, it may mean you need to upgrade your system rather than fix it.
  • Repair cost. Another thing to watch for is the overall cost of repairs. When a repair bill is equal to half or more of the cost of a new system, your money will be far better spent on an upgrade. This is going to be a higher cost initially but will help reduce the amount of energy used to keep your home warm, along with reducing the need for repairs as well.
  • High energy bills. Are you frustrated by the cost of your monthly energy bills? It may be a sign that something is seriously wrong with your furnace. A furnace on its last leg may be using added energy to try to keep the house warm, even if it makes little difference to your actual comfort level.
  • No heat. This is a pretty clear sign that something is seriously wrong with your heater. If you have an older heater that doesn’t produce any heat, despite getting regular upkeep, then it is likely the furnace needs to retire instead of being repaired again.

The best way to figure out if you need a furnace replacement will be to talk to one of our technicians. We will always present you with all the options available to you and we work hard to provide 100% customer satisfaction.

Fast-Friendly-Reliable: Schedule your furnace service with Walsh Brothers Plumbing and Mechanical Services, Inc

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