Are You Ready for a New Heating System?

Our team is proud to say we’ve been providing expert HVAC system services in the area for many, many years. This time of year, we are usually starting to fill up our calendars again with appointments for heating repair in Aston, PA, and other areas. If you have an appointment for repairs, we look forward to seeing you soon!

With all that said, we do want to let you in on something. Your heater may not need repairs. It may need a replacement. We know that may not be the news you were hoping for but we don’t want you putting your money towards a repair that isn’t going to help the way it is meant to.

How to Tell It Is Time For A Heater Upgrade

You can tell something is wrong with your heater, that much is easy to determine at this point. The question that you may be asking is whether or not it is something to repair. The reality is that if you notice any of the indicators below, it means you would be better of starting the process for a replacement.

  1. Your heater is close to 15 years old or more: If you can check the date of manufacture on your heater then do some basic math to figure out how old it is. If the system is close to or even beyond 15 years old, it means it is time to get it replaced. Even if it is still producing heat, a new heater will save you far more simply through better energy efficiency.
  2. Your heater needs repairs too often: Heating repairs are normal to encounter over the course of your heater’s lifespan but they shouldn’t be frequent. If you need repairs every year, even with regular maintenance, it means your system is on its last leg.
  3. The heater needs overly expensive repairs: Another indicator of a heater that needs to retire is one that needs expensive repairs. A good tip to remember is that if your heater has a repair bill that would pay for half of a new system, you are better off investing in the new system instead.
  4. Your heater isn’t able to heat much of anything: How is your heater operating, or is it operating at all? Maybe you can hear the system running but it isn’t producing any warmth to speak of. If you have a heater that isn’t heating anything, what you really have is an overly expensive fan. It is time to get a system that will actually keep you warm.
  5. Your energy bills are too high too often: Last but not least, check out your energy bills and see if there is a trend of high monthly dues when you use your heater. Are they higher than last year and higher still than two years ago? This may be a sign that your heater needs to retire because it is having to use far too much energy to try to heat the home.

Whether you need heater repairs or you are ready for a system upgrade, you can come to our team to get the job done.

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