Is It Time For a New Water Heater?

You need to have a reliable plumber to turn to for your plumbing needs, from big to small. With the professional plumbers at Walsh Brothers Plumbing and Mechanical Services, Inc. you know exactly who to turn to. This makes it a lot easier to deal with issues like a wonky water heater.

The other half of the equation is going to be knowing when to reach out to us for help with your plumbing issues. Let’s take that water heater as an example. Knowing what the symptoms are that something is up with your water heater will help you decide when to reach out and schedule that service to help your plumbing in Aston, PA.

It will also let you know when the time has come to schedule an upgrade.

Time to Retire Your Water Heater

It would be nice if water heaters came with a little indicator that told you, “Hey, it is time to replace me!” Unfortunately, this isn’t a trend yet so we want to let you know what some of the indicators are that you should be ready to retire your old system and replace it with a new one:

  • It’s Just Old: Every home system has a lifespan that it should fulfill and not go too far beyond and your water heater is no different. Water heaters should last between 15 and 20 years–going beyond this will put you at risk of being without hot water for a while.
  • An Increase in Lukewarm Water: Maybe your hot water isn’t hot anymore–don’t ignore that warning sign. Consistently lukewarm water is a big indicator that your water heater can’t keep up anymore and likely needs to be replaced.
  • Frequent and Expensive Repairs: A well-maintained water heater should only need repairs every few years. If your system needs repairs on a regular basis or those repairs are starting to break the bank it is likely because the system is on its last leg.
  • Corrosion in Your System: Corrosion can be thought of as a death sentence for water heaters. Once it gets into the main part of your water heater, there is nothing to do other than say goodbye and hunt down your next system.

You Can Choose Tank or Tankless Heaters

Are you on the hunt for a new water heating system? It helps to know what your options are if so. Here are the two main types of water heaters you can choose from:

  • Tank Water Heaters: These are the usual types of water heaters that many people are used to. Using a multi-gallon tank, this system stores water at the desired temperature and holds it for ready use.
  • Tankless Water Heaters: A tankless water heater works when you request hot water such as when you turn on the kitchen faucet. This system is great for saving energy and water.

Need a new water heater? We can help. Fast-Friendly-Reliable: Contact Walsh Brothers Plumbing and Mechanical Services, Inc. for service. Serving Delaware County, Main Line, and the Philadelphia Area.

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